sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2015

Intel's Core i7-6700K 'Skylake' processor reviewed

Intel's Core i7-6700K 'Skylake' processor reviewed


Well, this is certainly something. As you may know, Intel has been focused like mad on mobile computing for the past few years, attempting to insert itself into a growing market against established rivals like ARM. Desktop computing has kind of been on the backburner as a result. But a funny thing happened on the way to the death of the PC: yet another revival at the high end of the market. PC gaming is more alive and vibrant than ever, and folks are pioneering new applications like virtual reality on the PC, as well.

Intel has decided to acknowledge the thriving PC gaming market by throwing us a big, juicy bone. The first-ever version of the Skylake, its next-generation CPU architecture, is making its debut today in a pair of socketed ...


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