terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011

Steady Shot: Photographers’ Multitool With Tripod

URL: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/07/steady-shot-photographers-multitool-with-tripod/

Steady Cam. Gerber's Steady multitool id photographer friendly

Gerber, purveyor of rough-and-tumble multi-tools, knives and, tiny axes to adventurous outdoor types, will soon be adding a photographers’ tool to its range. Called the “Steady,” it has a familiar Leatherman-like design, only it adds a couple of tripod legs and a threaded bolt to the pliers-shaped package.

The Steady won’t launch until 2012, so we don’t have further details of the full twelve-tool lineup inside, but you have to think it’ll be the usual collection of screwdrivers and blades. The point of this, though, is the addition of two flip-out legs that — in combination with the main body and the tripod bush on the other side — turn it into a miniature tripod. They’re like the detachable plastic tire-levers found on many bicycle multitools. Only not detachable (they probably could be used to take a tire off, though).

Standalone minipods are tiny and light enough as it is, but if you’re carry a multitool anyway, why not make it this one? The estimated price is $65, available, as mentioned, sometime next year.

Gerber Tools main page [Gerber UK via Gear Junkie]

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