quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Cliente Visa poderá comprar em sites dos EUA e receber produtos no Brasil

URL: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/tec/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/807209-cliente-visa-podera-comprar-em-sites-dos-eua-e-receber-produtos-no-brasil.shtml

A Visa, maior rede de processamento de cartões de crédito e débito do mundo, anunciou nesta quinta-feira que fechou parceria com a SkyBOX, fornecedora de soluções para comércio eletrônico internacional, para facilitar as compras online de consumidores brasileiros.Clientes da processadora de pagamentos poderão fazer compras online em lojas dos Estados Unidos e ter o seu pedido enviado para uma caixa postal do país, a partir da qual as encomendas serão enviadas às suas residências.Leia mais (30/09/2010 - 14h25)

quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2010

terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Systems with Light Peak May Hit the Market in 2011

URL: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/other/display/20100920214900_Systems_with_Light_Peak_May_Hit_the_Market_in_2011.html

Light Peak May Become Commercial Next Year

Intel Core i7-970 Processor Review, Lower Cost 6-Core

URL: http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Intel-Core-i7970-Processor-Review-A-Lower-Cost-6Core

There's little question, like the sun rising and setting each day, that when Intel launches their latest top-of-the-line processor, a stinging four-figure price point awaits.  It seems like forever that Intel's latest flagship desktop chips drop into the market at anywhere from $999 - $1100 or so at their time of launch.  Obviously, for many mainstream users, that's the price of an entire system and monitor and they just don't need all that much CPU horsepower.  But for others, the need

Blue announces Mikey for Flip condenser mic

URL: http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/20/blue-announces-mikey-for-flip-condenser-mic/

Get ready for a wave of Designed for Flip accessories that take advantage of Flip Ultra HD's new FlipPort expansion port, people. First out of the gate is the Blue Mikey, which we'd heard about from Cisco already -- it's a condenser mic that plugs into the bottom of the Ultra and provides better audio, with automatic sensitivity, a mic-in jack, and a tripod mount. It's powered by an AAA battery, which is sort of lame -- we'd love to see something like this with a battery built-in that can charge the camera as well. Oh well, we can dream. The Mikey will run $69, but we don't know when it'll hit apart from a "debut" at CES 2011, which could mean almost anytime in the next year. PR after the break.

Continue reading Blue announces Mikey for Flip condenser mic

Blue announces Mikey for Flip condenser mic originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 21:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Oito em cada dez operadoras de rede já trabalham na migração para o IPv6

URL: http://rss.idgnow.com.br/c/32184/f/499648/s/dc0f8bf/l/0Lct0Bidg0N0Bbr0Ccgi0Ebin0Credirector0Bcgi0Drnd0F0A0Guid0Ffb9469540A966617d3698bd7d0A25d41ef0Gsite0Fidgnow0Gorigem0Fidgnow0Ctelecom0Gurl0Fhttp0J3A0C0Cidgnow0Buol0N0Bbr0Ctelecom0C20A10A0C0A90C140Coito0Eem0Ecada0Edez0Eoperadoras0Ede0Erede0Eja0Etrabalham0Ena0Emigracao0Epara0Eo0Eipv60Gtitle0FOito0J20Aem0J20Acada0J20Adez0J20Aoperadoras0J20Ade0J20Arede0J20Aj0JE10J20Atrabalham0J20Ana0J20Amigra0JE70JE3o0J20Apara0J20Ao0J20AIPv60Gtype0FRSS/story01.htm

Pesquisa global da Numbers Resource Organization aponta que apenas 16% das operadoras não se preparam para adotar o novo protocolo da Internet.

Nova Webcam Microsoft LifeCam HD 1080p

URL: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/digitaldrops/~3/nxlIPXhUZLo/nova-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-hd-1080p.html

A Microsoft anunciou uma nova webcam da linha LifeCam com resolução HD de 1080 pixels!

A LifeCam Studio Webcam 1080p tem resolução de vídeo 1920 x 1080 e tira fotos com 2304 x 1728, perfeita para ser usada em monitores gigantes. A LifeCam Studio tem também sistema de auto-foco, microfone integrado e pode ser presa no monitor ou num tripé fotográfico.

A LifeCam Studio Webcam 1080p custa US$99,99 na pré-venda da Best Buy.

Veja outras webcams aqui no Digital Drops.

Via Geeky Gadgets.

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Robô-aspirador usa energia solar para limpar sua piscina - Autor(Renato Bueno)

URL: http://uoltecnologia.blog.uol.com.br/arch2010-09-05_2010-09-11.html#2010_09-10_12_51_18-141838948-0



Para ser um robô bem-sucedido nos dias de hoje você precisa seguir duas regras: evitar poluição e assumir alguma tarefa que os humanos Leia mais...

Custo e óculos dificultam adesão do 3D entre consumidores

URL: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/tec/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/tec/796856-custo-e-oculos-dificultam-adesao-do-3d-entre-consumidores.shtml

O custo e a necessidade do uso de óculos para visualizar o efeito nas televisões 3D --que chegaram ao mercado em 2010-- estão dificultando a venda dos produtos entre consumidores, segundo apontou uma pesquisa do Nielsen. As informações são do blog Today in Tech: The Gadget Hound.Segundo o estudo, mais da metade dos entrevistados disseram que o custo e os óculos eram fatores importantes na hora de escolher por não comprar os aparelhos.Entre as reclamações, 89% disseram ter dificuldades para fazer várias tarefas ao mesmo tempo enquanto se vê TV 3D, já que os óculos atrapalham.Leia mais (10/09/2010 - 17h12)

sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

LG does the IPS dance with IPS2062T, IPS226V, IPS236V and IPS231P monitors

URL: http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/09/lg-does-the-ips-dance-with-ips2062t-ips226v-ips236v-and-ips231/

It's becoming progressively easier to land LCD monitors with IPS panels (as opposed to the decidedly less stunning TN panels), but given that there's rarely ever enough competition to truly push prices as far south as we consumers would like, we're welcoming LG's latest with wide open arms. The outfit has just issued a new foursome -- the IPS2062T, IPS226V, IPS236V and IPS231P -- of LED-backlit displays, with sizes running 20-, 21.5-, 23- and 23-inches in order of mention. The larger three offer 1,920 x 1,080 resolutions with a six millisecond response time, and the whole lot offers a deceiving 5,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, 250 nits of brightness and 178-degree viewing angles. You'll find plenty of glossy black to go around, but sadly you'll find plenty of questions when it comes to pricing and release dates.

LG does the IPS dance with IPS2062T, IPS226V, IPS236V and IPS231P monitors originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 09 Sep 2010 21:13:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceFlat Panels HD  | Email this | Comments

terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010

Why Everything Wireless Is 2.4 GHz

URL: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/09/wireless-explainer/


By John Herman

You live your life at 2.4 GHz. Your router, your cordless phone, your Bluetooth earpiece, your baby monitor and your garage opener all love and live on this radio frequency, and no others. Why? The answer is in your kitchen.

What We’re Talking About

Before we charge too far ahead here, let’s run over the basics. Your house or apartment, or the coffee shop you’re sitting in now, is saturated with radio waves. Inconceivable numbers of them, in fact, vibrating forth from radio stations, TV stations, cellular towers, and the universe itself, into the space you inhabit. You’re being bombarded, constantly, with electromagnetic waves of all kind of frequencies, many of which have been encoded with specific information, whether it be a voice, a tone, or digital data. Hell, maybe even these very words.

On top of that, you’re surrounded by waves of your own creation. Inside your home are a dozen tiny little radio stations: your router, your cordless phone, your garage door opener. Anything you own that’s wireless, more or less. Friggin’ radio waves: they’re everywhere.

Really, it’s odd that your cordless phone even has that 2.4-GHz sticker. To your average, not-so-technically-inclined shopper, it’s a number that means A) nothing, or B) something, but the wrong thing. (“2.4 GHz? That’s faster than my computer!”)

What that number actually signifies is broadcast frequency, or the frequency of the waves that the phone’s base station sends to its handset. That’s it. In fact, the hertz itself just just a unit for frequency in any context: it’s the number of times that something happens over the course of a second. In wireless communications, it refers to wave oscillation. In computers, it refers to processor clock rates. For TVs, the rate at which the screen refreshes; for me, clapping in front of my computer right now, it’s the rate at which I’m doing so. One hertz, slow clap.

The question, then, is why so many of your gadgets operate at 2.4 GHz, instead of the ~2,399,999,999 whole number frequencies below it, or any number above it. It seems almost controlled, or guided. It seems, maybe, a bit arbitrary. It seems, well, regulated.

A glance at FCC regulations confirms any suspicions. A band of frequencies clustered around 2.4 GHz has been designated, along with a handful of others, as the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical radio bands. “A lot of the unlicensed stuff — for example, Wi-Fi — is on the 2.4-GHz or the 900-Mhz frequencies, the ISM bands. You don’t need a license to operate on them.” That’s Ira Kelpz, Deputy Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology at the Federal Communications Commission, explaining precisely why these ISM bands are attractive to gadget makers: They’re free to use. If routers and cordless phones and whatever else are relegated to a small band 2.4 GHz, then their radio waves won’t interfere with, say, cellphones operating at 1.9 GHz, or AM radio, which broadcasts between 535 kHz and 1.7 MHz. The ISM is, in effect, a ghetto for unlicensed wireless transmission, recommended first by a quiet little agency in a Swiss office of the UN, called the ITU, then formalized, modified and codified for practical use by the governments of the world, including, of course, our own FCC.

The current ISM standards were established in 1985, and just in time. Our phones were one the cusp of losing their cords, and in the near future, broadband internet connections would come into existence and become magically wireless. All these gadgets needed frequencies that didn’t require licenses, but which were nestled between the ones that did. Frequencies that weren’t so high that they sacrificed broadcast penetration (through walls, for example), but weren’t so low that they required foot-long antennae. In short, they needed the ISM bands. So they took them.

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Cooler Master Silent Pro M1000 1000W

URL: http://www.anandtech.com/show/3856/cooler-master-silent-pro-m1000-1000w

The Silent Pro series is one of the best-known series power supplies from Cooler Master, previously covering range from 500 to 700 watts. The range has now extended to 1000W with two models rated at 850W and 1000W, including flat connection cables found in higher power classes. Today we are looking at the latter. The 1000W model comes with a 5-year warranty, promises a maximum efficiency of 86%, and uses a single +12V rail. Excluding the motherboard connectors all cables are fully modular. Cooler Master also makes note of the high quality of selected components. Even though the housing of the PSU seems to be very similar to the smaller Silent Pro, a different ODM is responsible for the manufacture. On the next pages we will explore the design and topology and see if Cooler Master is able to keep their promises.

quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010

Samsung shows off world's largest HD 3D LED TV

URL: http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/35369/samsung-worlds-largest-3d-tv

IFA 2010: 65-inch monster set
Samsung shows off world's largest HD 3D LED TV

If you thought that Samsung's 7-inch effort at IFA was going to be the show stealer then think again, because there's a 65-inch monster in town that's seeking the crown.

The Samsung LED C8000 is the world's largest full HD, LED, 3D television.

The Korean giant is claiming that it is ultra-slim and that it "provides superior picture quality with Samsung’s proprietary 3D processor".

It also has precision dimming technology on board, as well as an 800 CMR motion clarity.

The C8000 is also Wi-Fi enabled, meaning that you'll be able to access the fantastic range of Samsung TV apps as well.

If you fancy owning what is bound to be the best TV on your street (and your town most likely) then you're looking at quite a hefty price-tag - 5995 euros.

It will be available in October.

Related links:

Tags:Samsung LED C8000IFA20103DTVHome CinemaTelevisionsLED televisionsSamsung

Samsung shows off world's largest HD 3D LED TV 

Samsung shows off world's largest HD 3D LED TV originally appeared on http://www.pocket-lint.com on Thu, 02 Sep 2010 11:27:00 +0100

IBM Unveils Fastest Microprocessor Ever

URL: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/RfnZtoU8d4Q/story01.htm

adeelarshad82 writes "IBM revealed details of its 5.2-GHz chip, the fastest microprocessor ever announced. Costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, IBM described the z196, which will power its Z-series of mainframes. The z196 contains 1.4 billion transistors on a chip measuring 512 square millimeters fabricated on 45-nm PD SOI technology. It contains a 64KB L1 instruction cache, a 128KB L1 data cache, a 1.5MB private L2 cache per core, plus a pair of co-processors used for cryptographic operations. IBM is set to ship the chip in September."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Brocade afirma estar pronta para lançar Ethernet de 100 gigabits

URL: http://rss.idgnow.com.br/c/32184/f/499648/s/d5a3034/l/0Lct0Bidg0N0Bbr0Ccgi0Ebin0Credirector0Bcgi0Drnd0F0A0Guid0Fa9ba68c3bc649db450Aa860Aa94e71ecbe0Gsite0Fidgnow0Gorigem0Fidgnow0Ctelecom0Gurl0Fhttp0J3A0C0Cidgnow0Buol0N0Bbr0Ctelecom0C20A10A0C0A90C0A20Cbrocade0Eafirma0Eestar0Epronta0Epara0Elancar0Eethernet0Ede0E10A0A0Egigabits0Gtitle0FBrocade0J20Aafirma0J20Aestar0J20Apronta0J20Apara0J20Alan0JE7ar0J20AEthernet0J20Ade0J20A10A0A0J20Agigabits0Gtype0FRSS/story01.htm

Entre os novos produtos de rede para operadoras e data centers poderá estar um roteador 100 Gbps de 32 portas que foi demonstrado em junho.