domingo, 30 de março de 2008

Fw: Hands-On With the Windows XP-Based Asus Eee PC

MojoKid writes "Though the Asus Eee PC Windows XP variant isn't due out
until sometime in April, HotHardware was able to get their hands on a
full retail bundle before they hit store shelves in the US. The
standard assortment of accoutrements is included in the bundle, along
with a couple of notable upgrades. Asus took the initiative to provide
an additional 4GB SD card from Adata, a healthy storage expansion for
the system. In addition, an Asus-branded optical mouse was thrown in
for good measure. Microsoft's Windows Live messenger, photo gallery and
email suite are pre-installed on the the machine for collaborative and
social networking capability, in addition to Microsoft Works for word
processing, spreadsheets, and calendar functionality."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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