ClickPB | Philips anuncia que vai parar de fazer lâmpadas no Brasil ... A Philips anunciou, nesta sexta-feira (26), que vai encerrar a produção de lâmpadas no país a partir de junho deste ano. O processo de paralisação, segundo nota divulgada pela empresa, será feito em duas etapas: a primeira passa a valer imediatamente, ... Philips fechará fábrica de lâmpadas em junho Philips comunica encerramento de atividades em Mauá Philips fecha fábrica em Mauá; 400 serão demitidos |
domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010
Philips anuncia que vai parar de fazer lâmpadas no Brasil ... -
sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010
Intel's Six-Core Desktop Chip Available for Pre-Order
Listing of Intel Core i7-980X Points to Availability Shortly
Empresário é denunciado por oferecer banda larga clandestina em condomínio
Ministério Público Federal denuncia tenente-coronel de Aracajú (SE), que oferecia internet em 7 edifícios usando autorização falsificada da Anatel.
Virgin Promises 100Mbps Connections To UK Homes
registerShift writes "Virgin said it will roll out 100 megabit-per-second broadband connections to homes in the UK. The company said users will experience speeds 'very close' to what's advertised as it plans to deploy cable instead of ADSL used by competitors. 'There is nothing we can't do with our fiber optic cable network, and the upcoming launch of our flagship 100mbps service will give our customers the ultimate broadband experience,' Virgin Media's chief executive officer, Neil Berkett, said. This is just days after the FCC announced aims of 100Mbps by 2020, and companies panned it as unrealistic."
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Philips renova a barra de som Soundbar HTS9140
A Philips está decidida a renovar toda a sua linha no início deste ano. A idéia da Soundbar é proporcionar um som envolvente virtual de bom resultados com somente 1 única barra e 1 subwoofer.
O sistema AmbiSound da Philips SoundBar HTS9140 proporciona uma experiência envolvente com 5.1 canais. Seu design é ideal para colocá-la na parede ou em cima de qualquer lugar na sala ou quarto. Os controles de volume são sensíveis ao toque e integrados juntos com o player Blu-ray que ganha agora um adaptador WiFi que pode ser comprado a parte, dispensando o uso de cabo.
Este sistema de som integra-se perfeitamente com as novas TVs da série 8000, podendo assim serem controlados a distância com apenas um controle e dispensando a compra de um Home Theater.
O design da SoundBar HTS9140 tem acabamento em alumínio.
TV Philips de LED Serie 9000 em 3D
A Philips apresenta sua linha de TVs de LED série 9000 com suporte a tecnologia 3D. A nova linha concorre com modelos da Samsung e Panasonic.
Com o sistema Perfect Pixel HD Engine a qualidade das imagens desse modelo são fantásticas também em conteúdo 3D. Além dessa compatibilidade os televisores LED da Philips 2010 tiveram seus sistemas Ambilight Spectra 3 renovados e aprimorados. O nível de contraste foi aprimorado para 10.000.000:1 .
A tecnologia LED Pro, aliada à tecnologia Perfect Natural Motion e sistema de 400Hz Clear completam o modelo. O áudio também ganhou aprimoramentos com tecnologia Clear Sound, 2 caixas de som frontais e caixas de grave na parte traseira gerando um total de 30W RMS de potência.
Os televisores incorporam WiFi de série e sistema Net TV. Assim é possível assistir conteúdo via streaming com facilidade e conforto. Para conectar-se a outros dispositivos uma funcionalidade chamada WiFi Media Connect foi implantado para simplificar esse tipo de conexão.
O suporte Full HD 3D da nova série 9000 da Philips vem de série nos modelos de 32, 40 e 46 polegadas. Os preços não foram divulgados.
quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010
Skype 4.2 Gold for Windows
We have a brand new version of Skype for you all - Skype 4.2 Gold for Windows.
Start downloading it now.
Skype 4.2 Gold for Windows brings to you:
* Video calling - support for 720p video calling with new encoding web-cameras, which will be on market soon and improved overall video calling experience.
* Skype Access - a neat way to use Wifi when you're on the go
* Call Quality Indicator - a tool letting you know what could be causing trouble in your calls
* Client alerts - all the messages from Skype and authorization request are in one single place now, straight in Skype.
* Improved contact importers - even more possibilities to import contacts into Skype
* Call Transfer - now you can transfer your incoming or ongoing calls to someone else easily
* Windows 7 support - support for new Windows 7 features such as jump list.
In addition we have fixed a long list of issues found in previous versions and in 4.2 public Beta release.
I would like to thank everyone who has filed their issue reports about Skype 4.2 Beta for Windows on our public issue tracker or discussed things on our forums. Please continue to do so if you should encounter anything which feels odd for you in Skype.
Especially I would like to thank our Closed Beta testers who have been enormous help for us in delivering this release to you, finding bugs and pushing us to fix every single one of them. Especially Claudius Henrichs and Jana Sobotkova who have been going over every single item in Skype many times. Artur Räpp who helped a lot on the accessibility frontier to make sure that blind persons will have a good usability waiting for them. Last but, not least Carlo Di Gregorio and Nicolas Vanhaute who are the most hardcore video testers I have ever seen.
Unfortunately the release version has also some known issues in. We are working hard on fixing them.
Full release notes for the release are:
Known issues:
* Skype may experience problems when running Cyberlink YouCam video decoration software.
Current Solution: Upgrade Cyberlink YouCam to version 3 or close the software before making Skype video calls.
* In some rare cases when sending video from a Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000, the local preview may freeze. The other side will still receive video normally.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* When on a video call to Asus Videophone users the local video preview might freeze and the other side sees a green still image after some time into call.
Current Solution: Redial the video call.
* The Skype video snapshots feature is not working on Windows XP SP3.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* The High Quality Video logo sometimes flashes during a video call.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* It rarely happens that calls are not successful when two users call each other at exactly the same time
Current Solution: None available at this time
* The microphone mute functionality is not restored after finishing a Skype call when using Windows Vista.
Current Solution: None available at this moment, this is Windows Vista behavior.
* The Call Quality Indicator shows medium quality for web-cameras although it should show high quality.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* The Call Quality Indicator shows a false error message that your webcam is in use by other application, even if it is not in use anymore.
Current Solution: Ignore the message.
* The preferred microphone settings are not saved when the device is set from the Call Quality Indicator device selection list.
Current Solution: Select the microphone from Tools->Options instead
* Transferring a call message, on calls which originated from an older Skype version, is not shown to the caller.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Transferring a call to a phone contact and Skype user at the same time will cause the call to disconnect for the Skype user when the phone contact answers the call.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Only one field change is saved when editing phone contacts.
Current Solution: For saving more than one field, editing must be repeated.
* Screen Sharing from Skype 4.2 to Skype 4.0 or lower does not show video to the receiver if their computer has Pentium 4 or Pentium 3 processor.
Current Solution: Upgrade the receivers Skype to latest version.
* The Skype Access connection offering does not pop-up correctly when trying to connect to supported hotspot after starting Skype up.
Current Solution: Connect to supported Wifi hotspot before running Skype.
* No warning message is being displayed when closing a conversation with the close button in compact mode.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* The automatic 'Away' status setting doesn't work if it has been set a long time ago.
Current Solution: Change the auto away time in options to something else and then back.
* Browsing history is slow while running Jaws.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Skype fails to detect some screen readers when they are started after running Skype. Workaround: restart Skype.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Users with screen readers may have problems noticing the new authorization requests in the Notification tab.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Skype browser plugins for Internet Explorer and Firefox ignore meta tag not to highlight phone numbers.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* When a user opens their web browser with no network connectivity, Skype displays an error message that SkypeNames.exe wants to use Skype. This happens when opening Firefox for the first time after installing Skype with the IE and Firefox add-ons.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Skype's Firefox browser plugin can not be uninstalled from the Firefox Extensions panel on Windows Vista and 7.
Current Solution: Uninstall Skype web features from Add or Remove programs dialogue.
* The Skype browser plugin highlights phone numbers and names while creating content on various popular websites.
Current Solution: Disable Skype browser plugins on affected webpages.
* DailyMotion videos which have been added to a mood message are not being displayed to other contacts.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* The country drop down list in the call phones tab is not localized to Russian.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Having "IM Magician" installed on your computer may cause Skype to crash.
Current Solution: If you are affected by this issue then please uninstall "IM Magican" until the vendor provides patch for this issue.
* Netbooks can experience problems displaying some of the Skype windows.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Certain graphical components may be misaligned when running Skype with a high graphics DPI setting.
Current Solution: None available at this time
* Improved video quality in low bandwidth conditions
* Skype now supports 720p video calls with the new encoding web-cameras that will available soon
* Incoming authorization requests are now shown when a users returns to Skype after having been away for a while
* The Video call button is now always visible, even if there isn't a web camera detected.
* The default privacy settings for Instant Messages changed from "anyone" to "people in my contact list only"
* Improved contact importers
* Improved the localization of Arabic and Brazilian Portuguese
Fixed issues:
* Holding and resuming a video call sometimes caused a black screen to appea r instead of the actual video.
* An Asus GSB virtual video device used for capturing a screen caused Skype to freeze when attempting to make a call.
* Skype rarely crashed when clicking the "show messages from" button during a video call.
* Video froze on specific hardware for user.
* An incoming call from a mobile to an online number was not mapped to the Skype contact that the mobile number was saved for.
* When user received a call and wanted to transfer the call to a Skype contacts phone number, the number could be selected from the drop-down menu, but the call still went through to the contact's Skype account.
* Users on the "lite version of Skype" were displayed as "Unknown" in Conference calls.
* The "Learn about call quality" section was empty when viewing the client in Portuguese Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
* A big 'Test now' button that was displayed during a call, did not work.
* The Call Quality Indicator showed a misleading message: "Your speakers seem to be working fine".
* The Call Quality Indicator displayed an empty message about the computer speed whit computer that ran on batteries.
* Skype sometimes displayed double call failure messages. For example when a user had no credits and a slow computer while making a call to a phone.
* The Call Quality Indicator showed the webcam quality for phone contacts.
* When screen sharing in full screen mode the cursor sometimes blinked.
* It was possible to start screen sharing while a call was on hold.
* The online presence status was not accessible when using screen readers.
* It was not possible to access all the items on the welcome screen when using a keyboard.
* Browsing the 'Getting started Wizard' with a keyboard was not working properly.
* The keyboard command 'alt+spacebar' did not respond correctly.
* Dragging and dropping contacts to the contact categories sometimes caused user interface distortion.
* It was sometimes not possible to scroll in the conversation list with mouse.
* When hovering over the file transfer icon or status text, the displayed tooltip wasn't updated.
* When changing the language while being on the history panel, not all text was changed to the new language.
* Emoticons were not animated in the emoticon selection list.
* The notification count indicator changed only when the notification tab was opened while being in the 'Do not disturb' mode.
* Online notifications were blinking when more than three contacts came online at the same time.
* The contact phone number dropdown menu showed question marks in non-Latin languages.
* The 'get new pictures' link was being re-directed to the English language webpage.
* Skype's audio settings were sometimes being reset after Skype was restarted.
* Sent SMS' showed the Skype username instead of the phone number.
* The installer sometimes didn't install or even offered to install the Firefox browser plug-in even though Firefox was installed on a users computer.
* With Internet Explorer it was possible to open multiple settings dialogs by clicking on the toolbar button several times.
* With Internet Explorer it was impossible to open the settings dialog on some websites where phone number recognition is blocked.
* With Internet Explorer the phone number dropdown appeared in the wrong position.
* Internet Explorer and Firefox web pages with very high number of phone numbers some times made the browser freeze and certain phone numbers would appear to be free even though they were not.
* The tooltip for free phone numbers was wrong on Internet Explorer and Firefox.
* With Internet Explorer and Firefox, when sending an SMS message to a recognized Outlook contact a call was initiated instead of an SMS message.
* Phone numbers were sometimes being duplicated on certain pages, highlighting appeared twice for the same number.
* Viewing videos from a contacts profile view gave an error message.
* In Russian the Welcome screen was not aligned properly.
* Skype displayed Disk IO error when the data directory was in the read only folder.
quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010
The surprisingly seedy side of microSD production
The surprisingly seedy side of microSD production originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 11:07:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
PermalinkFlash 10.1 beta 3 released, adds support for Intel GMA 500 and Broadcom Crystal HD chips
Flash 10.1 beta 3 released, adds support for Intel GMA 500 and Broadcom Crystal HD chips originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 10:44:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalinkterça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010
Maximum Efficiency: Build A 25W Performance PC Using Core i5
We've measured 100W+ at idle from desktop PCs running the first crop of dual-core CPUs. The latest 32nm Clarkdale-based platforms let you build powerful desktops that idle as low as 25W. Today we're looking at the efficiency of such a system.
Lucro do MercadoLivre cresce 76,5% e atinge US$ 33,2 milhões em 2009
Empresa de e-commerce registrou 29,5 milhões de itens transacionados, somando US$ 2,75 bilhões, em 12 países da América Latina, no ano passado.
Primeiro disco 3D para Blu-ray vai ser lançado em março na Europa
A animação "Monstros vs. Alienígenas" é a escolhida para ser o primeiro disco mundial 3D de Blu-ray, cujo lançamento já tem data marcada na Europa: março deste ano, segundo o site de tecnologia Techradar.O anúncio foi feito em coletiva de imprensa em Viena, Áustria, na segunda-feira (22).No entanto, o disco 3D em Blu-ray só estará disponível quando houver compra de uma nova televisão Samsung modelo U7000 e aparelho Blu-ray modelo BDP6900, também da mesma fabricante.Leia mais (23/02/2010 - 08h32)
sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010
Ações da Telebrás valorizam mais de 10% na Bovespa
As ações da estatal Telebrás são negociadas com ganhos superiores a 10% no pregão desta sexta-feira na Bovespa (Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo). A ação preferencial dispara 13,42%, sendo negociada por R$ 2,45 e movimenta R$ 117,28 milhões em negócios. A ação ordinária, menos negociada (R$ 3,78 milhões), também sobe com força: 12,79%.O papel voltou aos holofotes com as especulações sobre a intenção do governo em utilizar a estatal para fornecer acesso à internet de alta velocidade (banda larga) à população. Hoje, o presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, confirmou essa proposta, durante discurso em Três Lagoas (MS)."Que ela [Telebrás] vai crescer, vai, porque nós vamos recuperar a Telebrás. Nós vamos utilizar ela para fazer banda larga neste país", afirmou o presidente, sem se estender sobre o assunto.Leia mais (19/02/2010 - 16h21)
[Papo Cabeça] Compartilhar não é crime – Don Tapscott
Artigo publicado na Infoexame de Fevereiro de 2010, escaneado e devidamente compartilhado por nosso blog.
Lei inglesa pode levar indústria fonográfica ao colapso
Sinto-me obrigado a comentar a Lei de Economia Digital do governo do Reino Unido. E já vou dizer porque: eu já discutia o termo “economia digital” em 1995, no meu livro que levava esse nome. Essa nova lei é falha, pois pune os internautas que compartilham músicas. Temos de superar a idéia de que compartilhar música é um roubo. A obsessão por controle, o combate à pirataria e os formatos proprietários criados pela indústria apenas enfurecem os fãs de música.
A solução é parar de tentar vender as músicas por um preço definido. A indústria da música tem de pensar como um wiki. A música deve ser um serviço, não um produto. Em vez de comprar faixas, você poderia pagar uma pequena quantia mensal — vamos estimar cerca de 5 dólares — para acessar todas as músicas do mundo. As gravações seriam enviadas para você sob demanda, pela internet, para qualquer equipamento.
Todo consumidor teria seu canal e poderia fazer pesquisas no enorme banco de dados musical do jeito que quisesse — por artista, gênero, popularidade e assim por diante. O seu canal daria sugestões de acordo com seu gosto. Também seria possível ter acesso a uma playlist com as favoritas do Mick Jagger, por exemplo.
Músicos, compositores e gravadoras seriam compensados por meio de sistemas que analisam sua popularidade. O bolo seria dividido entre eles de acordo com o número de vezes que a música fosse transmitida. Isso solucionaria o problema de direitos autorais. Ninguém mais iria “roubar” música. Por que tomar posse de uma música se você pode ouvi-la a qualquer hora, em qualquer equipamento?
Outras propostas poderiam solucionar o problema, mas elas também vêm de um pensamento do mundo wiki, de espirito de colaboração. Os especialistas em propriedade intelectual William Fisher e Neil Netanel
argumentam que os sites P2P deveriam receber autorização para distribuir música gratuitamente. E quem pagaria por isso seriam os provedores de internet e os fabricantes de equipamentos. Outra iniciativa é a da Electronic Frontier Foundation, que propôs uma licença que daria ao comprador a imunidade de processos por compartilhamento de arquivos. Mais uma vez, as taxas cobradas para obter a licença remunerariam os artistas.
Pensamentos como esses têm o apoio de um número crescente de músicos. AAssociação de Compositores do Canadá, por exemplo, está propondo uma taxa de 4 dólares mensais para acessar as músicas por demanda, que seria administrada pelos provedores de internet.
Em vez de criar novas propostas para o entretenimento digital, a legislação do Reino Unido mostra a persistência em um modelo de negócio ultrapassado. Assim, a indústria que nos trouxe os Beatles é odiada por seus consumidores e está entrando em colapso.
sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010
Intel to Dramatically Boost Capacities of Solid-State Drives by Year End
Intel Readies 400GB SSDs for Enterprise, 600GB SSDs for Mainstream
Net declara ter resolvido problema com Virtua e culpa link internacional
A Net comunicou que, durante a madrugada desta sexta-feira (19) de fevereiro, detectou um problema técnico relacionado a um link internacional, que "prejudicou o acesso a alguns sites".Diversos usuários do serviço de banda larga Virtua, operado pela empresa, reclamavam de lentidão no sistema e restrição no acesso a diversos sites.Este link, segundo a Net, é operado por outra empresa, a Global Crossing, e também deve ter afetado usuários de outros provedores de acesso à internet.Leia mais (19/02/2010 - 12h19)
quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010
HBO estreia serviço de vídeo pela web
HBO Go sai do estágio beta, mas só será oferecido a quem já assina o canal via cabo nos EUA.
Flip UltraHD mini review
Video quality
The 720p video quality is excellent. Using H264 codec with AAC audio and mp4 container, this camcorder achieves exceptional results. The only problem is that it doesn't do well with low light. But if you don't want to record in very dark areas, there's no problem.
The 2x digital zoom is fine, but it could have more zoom or even an optical zoom (am I asking too much? :D).
And it doesn't have a image stabilizer, so you have to stabilize your hands or put it on a plane surface or tripod. Kodak zi8 has digital image stabilization but it don't work perfect. The ideal would be optical image stabilization.
Audio quality
The audio quality is also great. Clear and crisp stereo audio (different from other camcorders which just give you mono sound). The only problem is with the left mic which is more exposed (it has more holes so the sound can enter) than the right one. The left mic tends to clip the sound when exposed to loud and low frequencies. But just to very intense and loud low frequencies like a bass hitting strong.
There's is another minor issue: the first video recorded after it turns on will have a small click noise at the very beggining. Maybe it's because the mics are being used for the first time after turning it on. But it can be removed editing the video.
8GB of memory is plenty of space. I usually record just short small videos (maximum of 10 minutes which is the limit of youtube) so it is more than enough. It will not accept an external memory stick, but for me it is not a problem.
Solid and robust. Although it's a bit larger than others, it is still small enough so you can carry like a cell phone. The advantage of being a little larger is that you can put in on a plane surface (the Kodak zi8 won't let you do that for example).
I don't understand why this cam is asymmetrical. The left mic has more holes than the right one.
You can use the battery pack that comes with the cam on any type of AA battery. I noticed some temperature issues when charging, but not something that would prevent me from charging. And you can only charge on the USB port. I noticed a temperature warning when charging, but it doesn't occur always.
The battery pack comes enclosed by a plastic which must not be removed. I read some people suggesting that one of the positive contacts is covered by the plastic, but it was designed that way, so please do not remove it! It could be explicit told in the manual.
The interface is simple and intuitive. This camcorder turns on very quickly and it is ready to record. The buttons are soft and nice to press.
To sum up....
Strong points
- excellent 720p video quality
- excellent stereo audio quality
- it can stand up on a plane surface without the need of a tripod
- soft buttons
- 8GB storage internal memory and 2 hours video recording
- it doesn't work well in very dark areas and it doesn't have image stabilization
- the left mic can "clip" sound when record loud and intense bass (low frequency)
- temperature issues when charging
Comparing it to Kodak zi8, I choose the Flip Ultra HD because it has stereo mic built in and it can stand up on a plane surface without a tripod (although you can use a tripod if you want). Of course the Kodak zi8 can record at 1080p, but as I want to just upload videos to youtube with an acceptable quality, 720p is enough for me (and the files don't get very big as 1080p :D). Kodak zi8 accepts an external mic, but I really don't want to carry a separate mic with me. I just want to point and record (fast ). I saw a video on youtube where the guy uses his Kodak zi8 in 720p mode because he thinks the 1080p mode doesn't work very well... so... ehehe Kodak zi8 can be technically supperior, but it lacks a stereo mic and can't stand up on a plane surface.
So if you want a simple and very good camcorder with excellent video & audio recording, buy the Flip Ultra HD. If you really need 1080p, external storage or an external mic, buy Kodak zi8.
Mouse é desenhado para parecer com órgão sexual feminino - Autor(Bruno Roberti)
Um mouse chamado G-Point promete aliar a navegação da web com lições sobre a Leia mais...
Skype fecha primeiro grande acordo com operadora de celular
O grupo de telefonia via internet Skype fez sua primeira grande incursão no setor de telefonia móvel, por meio de um acordo com a maior operadora norte-americana do segmento, a Verizon Wireless.Os telefonemas gratuitos via computador do Skype se tornaram um fenômeno na internet desde que a companhia foi criada, em 2002, e ela conta com cerca de 520 milhões de usuários registrados em todo o mundo.Até o momento, porém, a Skype havia conquistado pouco espaço no setor de telefonia móvel, com a única operadora a adotar a tecnologia da empresa sendo a britânica 3, porque a maioria das operadoras do setor a viam como risco para seu negócio central, a telefonia de voz.Leia mais (17/02/2010 - 14h07)
terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010
AMD's Twelve-Core Microprocessors Available for Sale
Company Sells AMD Opteron 6174 Processors at Ebay
segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010
Toshiba Developing High-Density 1TB SSD
MojoKid writes "A new partnership between Toshiba and Tokyo's Keio University has led to the creation of a new technology that could allow SSDs up to 1TB in size to be made "with a footprint no larger than a postage stamp." The report states that the two have been able to integrate 128GB NAND Flash chips and a single controller into a stamp-sized form factor. They've even made it operational with a transfer rates of 2Gbps (or about 250MB/sec) with data transfer that relies on radio communication."
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010
Um Teclado Feito Sob Medida para Edição de Vídeos
O teclado Greditor GR100 foi criado para facilitar a vida de quem precisa editar vídeos no PC, com uma jog wheel e teclas dedicadas que ficam na lateral direita. O teclado é compatível com programas como o Adobe Premiere, mas você também tem a opção de programar as teclas para usar em outros programas de edição de vídeo.
O GR100 funciona com o Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7. Saiba mais na Geek Stuff 4 U.
Via Oh Gizmo!
Clique abaixo para ver outra imagem.
Tomada de Parede USB com Energia Solar
O IllumiCharger é uma tomada diferente que promete recarregar seus gadgets, via USB, utilizando a energia solar.
O IllumiCharger fica preso na parede, como uma tomada comum, e vem equipado com poderosas células fotovoltaicas que captam a luminosidade ambiente e transformam em energia elétrica.
O IllumiCharger é um conceito criado pela Greenwaves e foi selecionado como um dos 18 finalistas do Greener Gadgets Design Competition. O IllumiCharger ainda não está sendo produzido comercialmente.
Veja outros gadgets ecológicos aqui no Digital Drops.
Via Inhabitat.