quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

Fw: Black EeePC 900 appears in the wild, goes well with dinner

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/280433817/

Filed under: Laptops

Although the Eee PC 700 comes in a whole rainbow of colors, the big
brother 900 has only made appearances in white so far -- but it looks
like ASUS has been quietly prepping a black version as well. These pics
just popped up on Flickr with virtually no explanation, but that's
definitely a black Eee PC 900 next to someone's terrifying dinner.
Seriously, that thing is looking at us. Hit the read link for several
more shots.

[Via jkkmobile]
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terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008

Fw: Performance Showdown - SSDs vs. HDDs

Lucas123 writes "Computerworld compared four disks, two popular solid
state drives and two Seagate mechanical drives, for read/write
performance, bootup speed, CPU utilization and other metrics. The
question asked by the reviewer is whether it's worth spending an
additional $550 for a SSD in your PC/laptop or to plunk down the extra
$1,300 for an SSD-equipped MacBook Air? The answer is a resounding No.
From the story: "Neither of the SSDs fared very well when having data
copied to them. Crucial (SSD) needed 243 seconds and Ridata (SSD) took
264.5 seconds. The Momentus and Barracuda hard drives shaved nearly a
full minute from those times at 185 seconds. In the other direction,
copying the data from the drives, Crucial sprinted ahead at 130.7
seconds, but the mechanical Momentus drive wasn't far behind at 144.7

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: AMD's quad-core Phenom processors face compatibility issues

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/280179837/

Filed under: DesktopsThere's all the makings of a class-A debacle over
at AMD headquarters, as it turns out that the chip maker's quad-core
Phenom processors are incompatible with some popular motherboard
chipsets. Due to a thermal frequency mismatch, the 125-watt 9750 and
9850 CPUs don't play well with 780G-based mobos -- which are designed
for AMD's less power-hungry 9600 and 9550 processors. Instead, AMD
warns that its quad-core processors should be paired with the company's
790 chipset. Spokesman Jake Whitman blamed PC makers, stating that,
"They've taken an enthusiast-class quad-core part and paired it with a
mainstream motherboard." Confused yet? Exactly. Read | Permalink |
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Fw: Adaptador de HDs com Opções de Conectividade


O UltraDock da WiebeTech pode não ter um design muito bonito, nem luzes
e nem parece moderno, mas é um gadget muito útil! O UltraDock é um
adaptador para conectar um disco rígido a um computador.

A diferença é que no UltraDock você pode conectar um HD SATA ou ATA a
qualquer computador usando uma das seguintes opções: Firewire 400 (1
porta) e 800 (2 portas), USB 2.0 e eSATA. Ao invés de ser obrigado a
usar uma conexão USB como nos outros adaptadores que existem no
mercado. A alimentação elétrica pode ser feita usando o adaptador AC
que acompanha o produto ou pode-se usar a própria fonte do computador
conectada no cabo de 4 pinos.

O UltraDock custa US$200 diretamente no site da WiebeTech.

Veja outros docks e adaptadores de disco rígido aqui o Digital Drops:
Transforme Facilmente um HD SATA em um HD Externo!
Dock para HDs SATA da Logitec
Adaptador para Disco Rígido
Adaptador USB-SATA
Adaptador eSATA para USB
Adaptador de HDs SATA/IDE para USB 2.0
Faça um Clone do seu HD pela USB!

Via Wired Gadget Lab.


segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2008

Fw: PureDepth's Multi-Layer Display technology to ship soon

URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/279646165/

Filed under: Displays

If you're vaguely remembering a mention of MLD, you're not crazy.
Around this time last year, PureDepth announced that it was teaming up
with Samsung to crank out a 46-inch Multi-Layer Display LCD. Fast
forward to now, and we're hearing that the first MLD wares should be
hitting the streets relatively soon. The technology itself consists of
building displays that are in fact two or more layers of LCD panel that
share a common back-light source, thus creating a depth effect when
viewing material. As it stands, the outfit has signed agreements with
Samsung (obviously) for development of displays in mobile handsets and
Sanyo for mobiles, gaming solutions and automotive electronics
(including in-car navigation). Interestingly enough, Q1 2008 saw quite
the surge in support for the 3D sector, making the launch of MLD that
much more applicable to the apparent desires of content viewers. Check
out a few sample images and product prototypes in the gallery below.

Gallery: PureDepth's Multi-Layer Display technology to ship soon

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Fw: Área da Santa Ifigênia passa por formalização fiscal

Conhecida pela venda de produtos de informática no centro da capital
paulista, a Santa Ifigênia não é mais a mesma. Dados da Direp (Divisão
de Repressão) da Receita Federal revelam que, atualmente, cerca de 80%
dos lojistas declaram renda. Há uma década, esse índice era de apenas
20%. A emissão de notas fiscais também aumentou, variando entre 70% e
80%, contra os 10% de uma década atrás. Apesar disso, a venda de
mercadorias importadas ilegalmente continua como marca registrada da
região. Estima-se que 60% dos produtos comercializados pelos 4.000
lojistas tenham entrado no país via Paraguai e Uruguai sem pagar
impostos, uma prática conhecida como descaminho. Entre os lojistas
existe até mesmo uma divisão geográfica que define o perímetro em que a
concentração de formais e informais é mais alta. Segundo eles, a maior
parte dos estabelecimentos que vendem com nota e oferecem garantia e
atestado de procedência das mercadorias está na "Santa de cima", área
compreendida entre a avenida Ipiranga e a Duque de Caxias. Na "Santa de
baixo", que vai da Avenida Ipiranga até o viaduto Santa Ifigênia sobre
a avenida Tiradentes, estariam os estabelecimentos onde a informalidade
é maior. Leia mais (27/04/2008 - 08h30)


Fw: Sony inaugura maior fábrica de TVs LCD do mundo na Eslováquia

A companhia japonesa Sony inaugurou nesta segunda-feira (28) na
Eslováquia a maior fábrica do mundo de televisores LCD, com uma meta de
produção de quatro milhões de unidades até o fim do ano. A unidade de
Nitra, localizada a 100 km da capital Bratislava, é "a maior e mais
moderna fábrica de televisores no mundo", declarou o diretor da Sony
Corporation, Howard Stringer, durante a inauguração oficial. "Para este
ano queremos ampliar a produção para quatro milhões de televisores LCD
por ano", avisou o diretor-geral da fábrica, Hajime Ushida. Em 2007, a
Sony produziu dois milhões de televisores LCD na Eslováquia. O outro
centro de produção da empresa fica em Barcelona, na Espanha. Leia mais
(28/04/2008 - 14h54)


Fw: LCD, David vs. Goliath: Iolair vs. Dell

24 inch screens give us the choice of panels. Here we have an MVA for
Iolair or PVA with Dell. One is quite good while the other fails


domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

Fw: Kensington Ci70 keyboard has USB 2.0 ports

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/coolest-gadgets/jdZL/~3/276992195/

Just like hard drive space, you can't have too many USB ports as well.
Kensington agrees with this adage with their new Ci70 keyboard that
features a couple of USB 2.0 ports, expanding your computer's
connectivity even more. I guess some monitors and now even keyboards
come with USB 2.0 ports - what will you wager on the next peripheral to
include additional ports? Printers, scanners, or even mice? I think the
former two are feasible but definitely not a mouse, since you'll be
moving it all over the place most of the time anyway. A trackball would
fare much better in this aspect. The Kensington Ci70 keyboard boasts a
35% smaller footprint and low-profile design, featuring five hot keys
for quick access to mail, media, and search, while media keys offer
volume control, track control, play and pause. It will retail for
$49.99 and is now available for pre-order from Amazon.

Product Page via Popgadget
Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.


quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2008

Fw: Fujitsu Unveils Hard Disk Drive with 256-Bit AES Encryption

Fujitsu Releases Fully-Encrypted Hard Disk Drive


Fw: Monitores LCD “Touch of Color” da Samsung


A Samsung anunciou oficialmente o lançamento da sua nova linha de
monitores Touch of Color, com modelos de 19", 22", 24" e 26". Eles
foram criados para economizar o máximo de energia, e são equipados com
tecnologias como MagicColor, MagicBright e MagicTune.

As especificações variam de acordo com o modelo escolhido, e o T260
(26") tem um tempo de resposta de 5 ms, além de uma porta HDMI. Os
preços variam de US$ 260 a US$ 600. Leia o press release na Business

Via Gadgetizer.


Fw: SSD, i-RAM and Traditional Hard Disk Drives

URL: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/storage/display/ssd-iram.html
In this article we are going to introduce to you two solid state drives
from Samsung and a unique data storage solution from Gigabyte aka
i-RAM. Let check out their performance compared to that of conventional
hard disk drives.


quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2008

Fw: HP, LG Electronics Enable Divx Support on High-Definition Televisions

Divx Content Can Now Playback on HDTVs by HP, LG

Linux 2.6.25: Funky Weasel is Jiggy wit it

Fw: Pluviômetro para Geeks!


Se você se considera um geek, e precisa saber quantos milímetros choveu
no mês passado, não vai querer usar um pluviômetro comum!

O "Wireless Digital Rain Gauge" é um pluviômetro (aparelho que mede a
quantidade de chuva) eletrônico com visor LCD. O Digital Rain Gauge
funciona com uma pilha AA e seu visor de LCD pode ser lido de uma
distância de até 3 metros.

O pluviômetro eletrônico não acumula água (muito importante para quem
mora em áreas com epidemia de dengue), pois a quantidade de chuva é
calculada a medida que a água atravessa o aparelho. E como o aparelho
não junta água você não precisa se preocupar em esvaziá-lo diariamente
como nos pluviômetros tradicionais.

O Digital Rain Gauge custa US$59,95 na Sporty's Tool Shop.

Via OhGizmo!


Fw: HD Resistente da LaCie com 500 GB


A LaCie apresenta o seu novo HD externo Rugged, que tem uma capacidade
máxima de 500 GB e traz a assinatura do designer Neil Poulton. Ele é
muito resistente, porque fica protegido dentro de um case de alumínio
com uma cobertura de borracha. O HD Rugged está sendo lançado em duas
versões, uma só com USB 2.0, e outra com interface tripla USB 2.0,
FireWire 400 e FireWire 800. Este último modelo é compatível com o Time
Machine da Apple.

Os preços variam de US$ 340 a US$ 400 na versão de 500 GB. Saiba mais
no site da LaCie.

Leia também aqui no DD:
Novo HD Externo da LaCie Lembra o Monolito de "2001: Uma Odisséia no
Espaço"! Caixas de Som LaCie FireWire

Via Tech Fresh.


Fw: AMD's Phenom X3 8000 Series: Fighting Two Cores with Three?

URL: http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=3293
AMD is introducing the first triple-core x86 processors as a part of
its quick and dirty strategy to remain competitive with Intel's
dual-core CPUs. Despite having more cores than the competition at the
same price point, AMD's clock speeds aren't high enough to make the
Phenom X3 a serious threat to Intel. The real threat these days
actually comes from ATI...


Fw: ASUS Eee PC Take 3: The XPerience

URL: http://www.anandtech.com/mobile/showdoc.aspx?i=3292
What differences does Windows XP make to ASUS' Eee PC? We take another
look at the ultraportable in the form of the 4G XP edition to see the
tradeoffs are in a laptop this size and price.


Fw: Wolfdale for Economical Enthusiasts: Core 2 Duo E7200 Review

URL: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/core2duo-e7200.html
Dual-core Wolfdale processors get cheaper. No, we are not talking about
the next price reduction. The thing is that Intel is simply launching a
new inexpensive Core 2 Duo E7200 processor, which belongs to the
progressive 45nm processor family, even though it has somewhat limited
functionality. Will it become a new bestseller? Let's find out now!


Fw: Seagate Technology Ships One Billionth Hard Disk Drive

Seagate Expects to Sell Another Billion of Hard Drives within Five Years


segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2008

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Fw: ASUS Eee PC 900 Coming May 12 With $549 Price Tag

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11544
ASUS pushes the Eee PC 900 into uncharted waters with a higher price


sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Fw: Intel's Core 2 Quad Q9300 processor

URL: http://techreport.com/articles.x/14573
The Core 2 Quad Q9300 is Intel's most affordable quad-core processor,
and it promises to supplant a long-time favorite of ours, the Core 2
Quad Q6600, by offering additional goodness at the exact same price.
Here's how it fares.


sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008

Fw: Dodeca-core: The Megahertz Race is Now Officially the Multi-core Race

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11531
AMD engineers reveal details about the company's upcoming 45nm
processor roadmap, including plans for 12-core processors...


terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008

Fw: HP And DreamWorks Unveil 1-billion Color Backlit LCD

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=a8dd6e415fc64c1a539c0f57bcc740f7
Hewlett-Packard and Dreamworks announced a new display technology that
promises consistent color accuracy between content production and
viewing environments.


Fw: Do We Really Need Intel X48 Express? - Gigabyte GA-X48T-DQ6 Mainboard Review

Intel X48 based mainboards are already starting to sell in stores and
get the users pretty confused. Is the new chipset worth our attention
or it is hardly that much different from the Intel X38? Our review
dedicated to a new Gigabyte mainboard will help answer this question.


Fw: Microsoft Accommodating Eee With Lightweight XP

KrispyChips writes "In what could be a first Microsoft is working to
create a special build of Windows, just because Windows doesn't run
very well on a certain computer. ASUS' runaway success Eee PC is now
'officially' available with Windows XP, but (according to APC magazine)
is not exactly a great experience. There are none of the nice
pre-loaded apps that come with the Linux version, for example. And XP
has some real problems coping with the screen size and limited system
specs of the unit. As a result, ASUS says it is going back to Microsoft
and working on a special XP build that will be lightweight and more
suited to UMPCs."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: ASUS U2E: Form vs. Function

URL: http://www.anandtech.com/mobile/showdoc.aspx?i=3286
ASUS' U2E ultraportable laptop looks to bring "sophistication" to the
market without compromising on features. How well can they succeed?


segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008

Fw: Apple Mac Clones Now Available

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=6f9f0bf40050ff41aa2574122af4ca1f
Florida-based Psytar is now selling Mac clones running unmodified and
fully functional copies of Apple's OS X. How long will this go on for
is unknown.


Fw: AMD Phenom Triple-cores More Expensive Than Quad-core

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=4655772486b3414564af9b0d9da3796a
AMD's triple-core processors have a very simple mission - to protect
the higher-end Phenom quad-core processors from pricing threats
originating from Intel's dual-core processors.


Fw: Nvidia Physics Engine Almost Complete

Nvidia has stated that their translation of Ageia's physics engine to
CUDA is almost complete. To showcase the capabilities of the new tech
Nvidia ran a particle demonstration similar to Intel's Nehalem demo, at
ten times the speed. "While Intel's Nehalem demo had 50,000-60,000
particles and ran at 15-20 fps (without a GPU), the particle demo on a
GeForce 9800 card resulted in 300 fps. If the very likely event that
Nvidia's next-gen parts (G100: GT100/200) will double their shader
units, this number could top 600 fps, meaning that Nehalem at 2.53 GHz
is lagging 20-40x behind 2006/2007/2008 high-end GPU hardware. However,
you can't ignore the fact that Nehalem in fact can run physics."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008

Fw: PlayStation 3 to Support DTS-HD Master Audio

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11447
PlayStation 3 to become an even better Blu-ray Disc player with
upcoming firmware update...


Fw: Spintronics At Work: IBM Outlines "racetrack" Memory

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=3245c3145f7b72ab168a6198438fce6f
San Jose (CA) - IBM today pitched a completely new storage technology
that could replace traditional hard drives and flash-based solid state
disk drives (SSDs).


Fw: Asus Crams Three GPUs onto a Single Graphics Card

Barence writes "PC Pro has up a look at Asus' concept triple-GPU
graphics card. It's a tech demo, so it's not going to see release at
any point in the future, but it's an interesting look at how far
manufacturers can push technology, as well as just how inefficient
multi-GPU graphics cards currently are. 'Asus has spaced [the GPUs]
out, placing one on the top of the card and two on the underside. This
creates its own problem, though: attaching heatsinks and fans to both
sides of the card would prevent it from fitting into some case
arrangements, and defeat access to neighbouring expansion slots. So
instead, Asus has used a low-profile heat-pipe system that channels the
heat to a heatsink at the back of the card, from where it's dissipated
by externally-powered fluid cooling pipes.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: HP Considering Intel Atom, VIA Isaiah for Mini-Note Refresh

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11444
HP's Mini-Note to get much faster with a mid-cycle refresh....


quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

Fw: Xbox 360 HD DVD Add-on Gets Updated

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11424
No, it won't make it play Blu-ray Discs...


Fw: What you need to know about Intel's Nehalem CPU


Intel recently revealed substantial new details about its forthcoming
45nm processor, codenamed Nehalem. Nehalem marks a major turning point
for Intel's flagship processor line, and Ars tells you what you need to



terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

Fw: AMD Envisions Microprocessors with More than Eight Cores

AMD Predicts 8+ Core Chips, Claims Higher IPC on Shanghai Processors


Fw: Asus' Xonar DX sound card

URL: http://techreport.com/articles.x/14500
Asus burst onto the sound card scene with the Xonar D2X, delivering a
card with solid performance and better sound quality than Creative's
best. Now Asus is back with an affordable DX derivative. Read on to see
how the new Xonar fares.


Fw: Sony Thinks Blu-ray Will Sell Like DVDs by Year End

http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/266375836/article.pl An
anonymous reader writes "Sony CEO Ryoji Chubachi knows something we
don't. At a press conference, he announced Sony's plan to increase
Blu-ray market share to 50% of all movie discs by the end of the year.
'DVD and BD currently account for about 80% and 20%, respectively, of
global demand for movie discs, Chubachi indicated. The new BD devices
to be offered by Sony include models integrating an HD LCD TV with BD
recording functionality, Chubachi pointed out. Sony has relied mainly
on the PlayStation 3 (PS3) to promote BD, and sales of the game console
will increase along with the offering by top Hollywood studios of new
BD movies, Chubachi noted. However, Sony will extend its BD promotion
from the current focus on the PS3 and BD players/recorders to IT
devices, Chubachi pointed out.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: CD do futuro terá capacidade de 200 mil DVDs, dizem pesquisadores

Cientistas da Univesidade de Swinburne desenvolvem um projeto de
nanotecnologia que pretende incluir um petabyte --quatrilhão de bytes--
em um só disco, informou o jornal britânico "The Inquiror" na
segunda-feira (7). Com a tecnologia, o disco suportaria uma quantidade
de dados 20 mil vezes superior ao dos discos Blu-ray e poderia
armazenar até 200 mil vezes mais que os atuais DVDs. Segundo afirmam os
pesquisadores, um CD normal possui espessura de 1,2 milímetros, mas a
informação guardada com a tecnologia atual ocupa cerca de 0,1% do
volume total. Os outros 99,9% do espaço do disco é desperdiçado. Leia
mais (08/04/2008 - 11h24)


Fw: HP Launches 2133 Mini-Note PC, Disappoints With Processor Selection

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11409
HP swings for the fences with its 2133 Mini-Note PC...


domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Fw: $399 Windows XP-based ASUS Eee PC 4G-X Now Available at Best Buy

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11395
ASUS branches out with a new Windows XP Home variant of the Eee PC...


Fw: Dell Abandons Its Customization Roots

LiveFreeOrDieInTheGo writes "Dell intends to scale back its
build-to-order service model, while increasing sales of prepackaged
systems. The goal: $3B USD savings by 2011. The downside: customers
expect Dell to build-to-order. The deeper downside: Dell will outsource
more production and assembly."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Fw: Intel Builds Atom CPU For $8, Sells It For Up To $135

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=d7dac9937f288199eb84b12ba2b76f88
Santa Clara (CA) - We were able to digest Intel's Atom announcement
this week, but for some reason, much of the focus on this new CPU
remains on its price.


Fw: 97% Of CPU Market Consists Of Sub-$200 Processors

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=8170aa0b1138c08b2aae6e3a347567a6
The pricing structure of AMD's processor lineup is one of the big
concern for financial analysts these days, but it appears that AMD in
fact has positioned most of its products right where the market is.


Fw: Disk Failure Rates More Myth Than Metric

Lucas123 writes "Using mean time between failure rates suggest that
disks can last from 1 million to 1.5 million hours, or 114 to 170
years, but study after study shows that those metrics are inaccurate
for determining hard drive life. One study found that some disk drive
replacement rates were greater than one in 10. This is nearly 15 times
what vendors claim, and all of these studies show failure rates grow
steadily with the age of the hardware. One former EMC employee turned
consultant said, 'I don't think [disk array manufacturers are] going to
be forthright with giving people that data because it would reduce the
opportunity for them to add value by 'interpreting' the numbers.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2008

Fw: Two vs. Three: Zotac GeForce 9800 GX2 Against 3-Way CrossFire ATI Radeon HD 3870

URL: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/video/display/zotac-9800gx2.html
ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 didn't remain the 3D King for long: Nvidia
regained the initiative by launching their new GeForce 9800 GX2.
However, AMD graphics division still has something to respond with: a
graphics subsystem with three ATI Radeon HD 3870 chips. Will ATI 3-way
CrossFireX platform be able to compete successfully against Nvidia
GeForce 9800 GX2? We are going to answer this question in our today's


quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008

Fw: Intel's new tech will render stolen laptops unbootable


If thieves knew that laptops could be left unbootable once they leave
the owner's possession, they might not be as inclined to steal them.
That's a theory that Intel is banking on with its new Anti-Theft



Fw: People "probably Won't" Need Discrete Graphics Cards Anymore - Intel

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=7e4ce2be34bc35b10237d45bad2149f2
Shanghai (China) - The days of discrete graphics cards are coming to an
end, according to an Intel representative we talked to at the Shanghai
Intel Developer Forum.


terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2008

Fw: Report: Lite-On Working on Xbox 360 Blu-ray Add-on

URL: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11323
Xbox 360 could soon support Blu-ray Disc movies...


Fw: Apple Sued Over "millions Of Colors" Claim In IMac Ads

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=7f9d0dbf278ec6752caeb59f2d72b7d3
Los Angeles (CA) - If you're going to say that your displays can show
millions of colors, you better be able to back that up.


Fw: ASRock Announces AMD 780G-based Motherboard

URL: http://www.pheedo.com/click.phdo?i=b54da65dbb9317c2342dc11838b8862a
ASRock has launched a motherboard based on AMD's 780G and SB700
chipsets, the A780FullDisplayPort, which features outputs including
D-Sub, DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort through a dongle.


Fw: Dell fechará unidade no Texas e reafirma planos de redução de empregos

A fabricante Dell anunciou nesta segunda-feira que fechará uma fábrica
no Texas (EUA) e que continua com seus planos de eliminar pelo menos
8.800 empregos em todo o mundo. Com os cortes, a segunda maior
fabricante mundial de computadores pessoais, atrás somente da HP
(Hewlett Packard), pretende se tornar mais competitiva, melhorar suas
operações e aumentar sua rentabilidade. A empresa procura, além disso,
economizar US$ 3 bilhões por ano durante os próximos três anos, com
medidas voltadas para reduzir custos em todas as áreas, incluindo as de
design, fabricação, materiais e despesas operacionais. Leia mais
(01/04/2008 - 00h45)
