sexta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: DVD Forum Sets New Rules On China HD DVD Format

The HD DVD is dead, but the DVD Forum apparently has not given up hope
on the Chinese version of the format yet. Toshiba will chair the
Steering Committee over the next two years.


Fw: Blu-ray In Laptops Could Be Hard On Batteries

damienhunter notes a Wired story on the power-hungry ways of the first
generation of Blu-ray players coming soon to a laptop near you. "With
the Sony-backed HD format emerging victorious from a two-year showdown
with Toshiba's HD DVD, many laptop manufacturers are now scrambling to
add Blu-ray drives in their desktop and notebook lineups. Next month,
Dell will even introduce a sub-$1,000 Blu-ray notebook... But the
promise of viewing an increasing variety of HD movies on your laptop
may be overshadowed by ongoing concerns over the technology's vampiric
effect on battery life. Indeed, if the first generation of Blu-ray
equipped laptops are any indication, you might not get more than
halfway through that movie before running out of juice completely,
analysts say."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Sony Announces Profile 2.0 Blu-ray Disc Players

The next generation of Blu-ray Disc players crib from HD DVD feature


Fw: Tecnologia Blu-ray agora tem piratas virtuais pela frente

Um brasileiro comprou um tocador de HD DVD em novembro e o vendeu no
início deste mês, porque quase não o usava. Ele disse que baixa filmes
em alta definição no seu computador e o conecta à sua TV de LCD. A
história mostra que, depois de vencer o HD DVD, na semana passada, o
Blu-ray ainda tem pela frente os downloads na internet --abrangendo,
claro, os ilegais. Os usuários já conseguem colocar em redes piratas
conteúdo em alta definição. Por enquanto, a maioria vem da transmissão
da TV, mas a proteção do Blu-ray já foi quebrada há mais de um ano.
Leia mais (28/02/2008 - 10h29)


Fw: Dell Ships Second DisplayPort Equipped LCD

Dell ships 24-inch 2408WFP LCD with DisplayPort...


quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Lite-On, Philips Introduce First External Blu-ray Disc Drive

Hook a Blu-ray Disc drive up to your laptop...


Fw: AMD Tests First Chips Made Utilizing Extreme Ultra-Violet Lithography

AMD Announces Chip Manufacturing Tech Breakthrough, Gets Close to 22nm
Process Tech


Fw: AMD Launches Dual-core Sempron CPUs In China

AMD has recently launched the first dual-core Sempron processors in
China in a bid to counter Intel's dual-core Celeron product line in the
entry-level market, according to sources at motherboard makers.


Fw: TV digital deverá ser relançada, diz Daniel Castro

Em crise após menos de três meses desde sua estréia, a TV digital
brasileira deverá ser relançada. É o que revela nesta quarta-feira (27)
a coluna Outro Canal, do jornalista Daniel Castro. O conteúdo na
íntegra é exclusivo para assinantes UOL ou Folha. Segundo ele,
emissoras e fabricantes de televisores já discutem o relançamento,
apesar de não ter sido divulgado o formato dessa reestréia. O início
oficial das transmissões da TV digital no país ocorreu em 2 de dezembro
do ano passado, com festa na suntuosa Sala São Paulo (confira os
bastidores). Em assembléia nesta semana, relata Castro, o fórum que
congrega emissoras e fabricantes fez um balanço negativo do lançamento.
O governo foi acusado de não cumprir promessas, além de irritar a
indústria por conta da alta carga tributária. Leia mais (27/02/2008 -


Fw: 300Mbps Wireless N USB 2.0 Adapter: TRENDnet TEW-624UB Review

According to the manufacturer, this 300Mbps Wireless N USB 2.0 Adapter
seamlessly connects to your wireless network without performance
degradation. But is it really so? Let's find out from our review of
this USB adapter supporting 802.11n draft standard.


Fw: AMD Triple-core CPUs Will Be Launched To OEMs First

Although AMD's triple-core Toliman processors (Phenom 8000) will be
launched on schedule in March this year, initially only B2 stepping
versions will be released, and they will only be available to the OEM
market, according to sources at motherboard makers.


Fw: Sony anuncia tocadores de Blu-ray com recursos de internet

A Sony anunciou nesta terça-feira que seus novos tocadores de Blu-ray
vão permitir download de conteúdos como trailers de filmes e games.
Este será o primeiro lançamento desde que a empresa viu, há uma semana,
sua tecnologia Blu-ray vencer a batalha com a HD DVD pelo novo padrão
de DVD de alta definição. Na última terça-feira (19), a Toshiba,
principal defensora da tecnologia HD DVD, anunciou que abandonaria a
fabricação e o desenvolvimento de produtos neste formato. Leia mais
(26/02/2008 - 20h45)


Fw: Sony investirá US$ 926 milhões para produzir telas LCD com a Sharp

A Sony investirá US$ 926 milhões para produzir telas LCD (cristal
líquido) de televisão junto com a também japonesa Sharp, informou nesta
terça-feira a agência local de notícias Kyodo. Esta aliança pretende
reafirmar a força tecnológica da Sharp como fornecedora de telas LCD,
assim como a competitividade da Sony no mercado de televisões, segundo
representantes de ambas as companhias. Com este investimento
milionário, a Sony fornecerá um terço do custo estimado, de cerca de
US$ 3,5 bilhões, para a construção de uma nova fábrica no complexo
industrial da Sharp em Sakai, na província de Osaka, e que deve estar
concluída em 2009. Leia mais (26/02/2008 - 06h16)


terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2008

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: X48 Motherboard Comparison: Meet the new boss

Long ago, Intel promised a higher-speed version of its X38 Express for
added stability when using FSB-1600 processors. Manufacturer uptake has
been a little slow, but we're finally prepared to examine the benefits
of X48 Express.


Fw: Is AMD Dead Yet?

TheProcess writes "Back in February 2003, IBM predicted that AMD would
be dead in 5 years (original article here), with IBM and Intel the only
remaining players in the chip market. Well, 5 years have passed and AMD
is still alive. However, its finances and stock price have taken a
serious beating over the last year. AMD was once a darling in this
community — the plucky, up-and-coming challenger to the Intel behemoth.
Will AMD still be here in 5 years? Can they pose a credible competitive
threat to Intel's dominance? Do they still have superior but
unappreciated technology? Or are they finally old hat? Can they really

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Fujitsu Announces 500GB Notebook Drive

Fujitsu to offer standard height half-terabyte notebook drive...


sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Asustek Computer Reportedly Orders Unprecedented Amount of Low-Cost AMD Chips

Asustek Shows Interest Towards Low-Cost AMD Systems


Fw: Toshiba Paid Off To Drop HD-DVD?

TripleP writes "Was Toshiba paid-off to concede the HD battle? There
are some signs that may point to this as a direct result of the ended
format war. Reuters has reported that Sony has agreed to sell it's Cell
and RSX fabrication plants in Japan to Toshiba. The WSJ is reporting
that is is a joint venture in the form of 60% Toshiba,%20 Sony and %20
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Biostar Launches GeForce 9-based Card



Fw: Samsung's Spinpoint F1 hard drive

Samsung's Spinpoint F1 hard drive is the first to reach the terabyte
mark with only three platters. But can a hefty advantage in areal
density lift it above the competition? We've tested the drive against
two dozen others to find out, with enlightening results.


Fw: Sony Paid Warner Bros. $400 Million to Go Blu-Ray?

eldavojohn writes "How much would you pay to be the leading video media
technology right now? Is $400 million too much? Sony didn't think so
and this article speculates that's how they won the Hi-Def format war.
'With billions of dollars in global sales at stake, experts had
predicted the Toshiba-Sony battle would go on for years - not unlike
the 1980s battle of videotape formats between VHS (Matsushita) and
Betamax (Sony). That war lasted a decade, leaving Sony battered and
humiliated. So how did this epic battle come to such an abrupt end? The
answer lies in part with the bruising Sony experienced with Betamax,
which, like Blu-ray, was also the better product on paper.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Asus Eee is a Robot of Love

With Suficient Thrust, Pigs Fly Just Fine: "I've been on the lookout
for a small, portable machine with enough power to read PDF files, make
notes, write text, do some coding perhaps and surf the net..."


quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Lenovo apresenta laptop para concorrer com MacBook Air

A Lenovo apresentou nos Estados Unidos o seu modelo de laptop que irá
concorrer com o McBookAir, da Apple, pelo título do portátil mais fino
do mundo. Assim como a nova sensação da empresa de Steve Jobs, o
ThinkPad X300 da Lenovo tem como grande atrativo a sua
ultraportabilidade. O modelo possui 0,73 polegadas (1,85cm) de
espessura e pesa 1,41 kg --incluindo bateria e unidade de disco-- o que
o torna um pouco mais pesado que o modelo da Apple, que pesa 1,36 kg.
Divulgação Laptop ThinkPad X300 da Lenovo; modelo concorre com o
MacBook Air, da Apple

Leia mais (21/02/2008 - 18h15)


Fw: Veja opções de aparelhos para Blu-ray, formato vencedor dos DVDs de alta definição

Com o anúncio oficial da Toshiba de abandonar a fabricação e o
desenvolvimento de produtos com a tecnologia HD DVD, a guerra dos DVDs
de alta definição chega ao fim e a tecnologia Blu-ray deve aumentar seu
domínio mundial. No Brasil, as vendas de aparelhos que reproduzem esta
tecnologia ainda representam uma fatia pequena do mercado,
principalmente por conta dos preços elevados --variam de R$ 3.000 a R$
5.000. De acordo com a loja Fnac, especializada na venda de produtos
eletrônicos, os tocadores de DVD em alta definição responderam por
apenas 3% das vendas de DVD players desde que foram colocados à venda
nas unidades da loja, em maio do ano passado. Leia mais (21/02/2008 -


Fw: Sony vende fábrica de chips para a Toshiba por US$ 835 milhões

A Sony anunciou na quarta-feira (20) que irá vender sua fábrica de
microchips localizada no oeste do Japão para a Toshiba por US$ 835
milhões (cerca de R$ 1,42 bilhão), em mais uma medida da empresa para
se concentrar em suas atividades principais. O equipamento será usado
pela joint venture de semicondutores das duas empresas, que irá
produzir chips Cell de alta perfomance e chips gráficos RSX, usados no
Playstation 3, da Sony, assim como outros microchips utilizados em
produtos da Toshiba. O acordo deve ser fechado em 1º de abril. O atual
foco da Sony está na fabricação de chips sensores de imagens para
câmeras digitais. Em outubro a empresa anunciou que poderia vender
instalações de produção de chips usados no Playstation 3 para a
Toshiba, mas o preço não havia sido divulgado. Leia mais (21/02/2008 -


Fw: Bringing Competition to Midrange: The GeForce 9600 GT Raises NVIDIA's Sub $200 Bar

NVIDIA hasn't released a card at this price point that offered a
compelling reason to upgrade since the 7600 GT. Performance on this
part significantly out paces is predecessor and keeps up with the


quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: How to Convert Your HD-DVD Discs to Blu-Ray

eldavojohn writes "Are you one of the few who boarded the HD-DVD
Titanic ship headed to the bottom of ocean to join BetaMax? Fret no
longer, friend, simply convert those and pretend like you never
invested in the wrong technology! All you need is a Windows machine
with a fast processor, an HD-DVD drive, a Blu-Ray burner, 30GB of free
disk space, at least, though 40GB or more is recommended and an
internet connection to download the software! Or you can sit and be the
crazy guy who continues to argue that HD-DVD is the superior technology
whether it's true or not."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Nvidia Clears 9600 GT Graphics Cards For Launch Tomorrow

Nvidia will be launching its next-gen 9-series graphics cards tomorrow,
February 21. Reviews of the sub-$200 cards are scheduled to surface at
8 am EDT and we will get a better idea why we should care about
Nvidia's new volume enthusiast card.


Fw: Zona Franca produzirá conversor de TV digital ao custo de R$ 200

O governador do Amazonas, Eduardo Braga (PMDB), afirmou nesta
quarta-feira que uma empresa instalada na Zona Franca de Manaus irá
produzi a caixinha conversora para TV digital (set-top box) a um custo
de R$ 200. No entanto, ele não soube estimar qual o preço final ao
consumidor. "A Proview vai produzir um set-top box a R$ 200, sem
impostos, mas vamos ter que ver o preço no varejo", afirmou. Leia mais
(20/02/2008 - 16h08)


Fw: LG Electronics Does Not Intend to Drop HD DVD

LG's Universal High-Definition Players Set to Remain on the Market


Fw: AMD Announces HD3800 Price Drops

Why and what's coming?


Fw: CPU Cooler Charts 2008, Part 1

Keep cool! That's what CPU coolers are there for. 45 % of our
candidates fail our test. We uncover weaknesses and expose false


Fw: ASUS P5E3 Premium: One to Rule them All…

We bring you our first look at the latest ASUS Ai LifeStyle
motherboard, the P5E3 Premium, based on Intel's upcoming X48 chipset
with DDR3 memory. We'll show you why this may be the next great board
to consider buying.


Fw: Sonho nerd na Campus Party

Os porto-alegrenses Felipe Farinon e Jean Karpinski apresentaram, na
área de mooding do Campus Party, uma interface que promete revolucionar
a forma de interação do usuário com o computador, dispensando mouse e


Fw: DVD Jon Creates DRM Killer

Firmafest writes to let us know that 'DVD Jon' Lech Johansen's company
has released an open beta of DoubleTwist, a desktop application that
allows the user to copy media to any device. There's a Facebook app
too. The software is available for download at
Currently only Windows is supported, but a Macintosh version is on the

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Sony Drops $200 Million on OLED Manufacturing Technology

Sony bets $200 million on large screen OLED TVs...


Fw: Toshiba abandona fabricação de produtos com tecnologia HD-DVD

A Toshiba abandonou hoje de maneira oficial a fabricação e o
desenvolvimento de produtos com a tecnologia HD-DVD, embora vá seguir
oferecendo serviços pós-venda aos clientes que tenham adquirido
material relacionado com este formato. A Toshiba perde assim a guerra
dos DVDs de alta definição para o grupo de empresas liderado pela Sony,
cujos produtos adotam o sistema Blu-ray. Com a decisão da japonesa, o
formato Blu-ray assegura a liderança mundial da nova geração do DVD.
Leia mais (19/02/2008 - 05h54)


segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Intel Mulls Centrino 2 Brand-Name for Next-Gen Mobile Platform

Intel's Next-Generation Mobile Platform May Receive "Intel Centrino 2"


Fw: The Single-Decker Champ: ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Graphics Card Review

ATI Radeon HD 3870 graphics card proved to be a really popular option
for performance-mainstream market. But AMD wants to target the high-end
using the same technology, but this time with two ATI RV670 chips.
Let's find out whether the new ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 is actually faster
than its rivals from Nvidia camp.


Fw: Overclocking Intel's Wolfdale E8000

We look at the 45-nm Core 2 Duo E8000's overclocking potential. We also
focus on power consumption, simulating real-world applications with
SysMark 2007. Wolfdale truly breaks performance-per-watt records.


domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Sony PlayStation 3 Outsells Predecessor, Xbox 360 for the First Time in the USA - NPD

Video Game Console Unit Sales Down Year-over-Year in January


Fw: Dell Set to Introduce AMD's Triple-core Phenom CPU

anonymous reader writes "AMD is set to launch what is considered its
most important product against Intel's Core 2 Duo processors next week.
TG Daily reports that the triple-core Phenoms — quad-core CPUs with one
disabled core — will be launching on February 19. Oddly enough, the
first company expected to announce systems with triple-core Phenoms
will be Dell. Yes, that is the same company that was rumored to be
dropping AMD just a few weeks ago. Now we are waiting for the hardware
review sites to tell us whether three cores are actually better than
two in real world applications and not just in marketing."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Toshiba Making Funeral Plans for HD DVD

Blue Light Special writes "With HD DVD on life support, Toshiba is
reportedly preparing to bow to the inevitable and allow HD DVD to
expire quietly. 'While denying that a decision on the fate of HD DVD
has been made, a Toshiba marketing exec left the door wide open. "Given
the market developments in the past month, Toshiba will continue to
study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers,
particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD
players," Jodi Sally, VP of marketing for Toshiba America Consumer
Products, said.'" A few folks have also noted that Wal-mart is joining
the Blu-ray train, further lowering the stock of HD DVD.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Wal-Mart to Give HD DVD the Boot, Sides With Blu-ray

Wal-Mart's decision could be the final nail in the coffin for HD DVD...


Fw: GeForce 8 To Get Software PhysX Engine

NVIDIA's purchase of AGEIA leads to a PhysX-on-CUDA port...


quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Analyst Expects Nvidia to Acquire AMD Despite of Chances to Lose x86 License

AMD May Be Immune Against Third-Party Takeover Thanks to Agreement with


Fw: Opinion: IBM, Nvidia In Line To Buy AMD

Opinion - The past 19 months haven't been easy on the company from
Sunnyvale, CA, but in this analysis we're going to try to shed some
light into what's really going on over there, and provide a reasonable
insight into the current state of, "To merge or not to merge - that is
the question."


Fw: 6x Blu-ray Drives On The Horizon

Sharp has developed new 250 mW blue-violet laser diodes which promise
to bring a substantial speed boost to Blu-ray writers - up from 72 Mb/s
today to a maximum of 216 Mb/s.


Fw: HD DVD Is Still Standing, The Format War Not Over Yet - Says HD DVD Promo Group

HD DVD European Promotional Group Claims HD DVD Has Bright Future


Fw: Wolfdale Shrinks Transistors, Grows Core 2

Intel's new 45-nm E8000 series is more powerful and more efficient than
any other dual-core processor architecture on the market today. But
just how good is it, and more importantly, should you upgrade right


quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: The MacBook Air: Thoroughly Reviewed

We've taken the past couple of weeks to thoroughly review the MacBook
Air. Curious about how Apple's latest notebook really measures up? Read
on and don't worry, we kept the Air puns to a minimum.


terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Optimus Maximus Keyboard Sold On Ebay For $2750

One of the first OLED keyboards from Russian design studio Art Lebedev
has been sold on Ebay.


Fw: Nvidia Enters CPU Market

Nvidia today unveiled its first CPU. The APX 2500 is a system-on-a-chip
(SoC) product that is aiming for Windows Mobile handhelds. Despite the
fact that it is not scheduled to hit the market until late this year,
the chip is bound to raise more than just one eyebrow.


Fw: DisplayLink's USB-to-DVI adapter

Last year, Samsung released a 19" LCD monitor capable of being hooked
up via a simple USB connection. That's neat, but is there a cheaper
alternative to paying $300 for a USB display? Yep. We see how
DisplayLink's USB-to-DVI adapter handles in both Windows XP and Vista.


Fw: Benchmarking the Benchmarks

apoppin writes "HardOCP put video card benchmarking on trial and comes
back with some pretty incredible verdicts. They show one video
returning benchmark scores much better than another compared to what
you get when you actually play the game. Lies, damn lies, and

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet apresenta boa sensibilidade


A sólida construção e o preciso trackpoint do Lenovo ThinkPad X61
Tablet fazem jus à fama da marca. Mas o visual é prejudicado pela
bateria de oito células, que também contribui para levar o peso a 2 kg.
Reprodução Sólida construção do Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet fazem jus à

Os botões ao lado da tela --que tem ótima sensibilidade à caneta e
visibilidade ruim sob o sol--, dedicados ao uso como tablet, são mais
eficientes do que os dos rivais. Leia mais (10/02/2008 - 09h10)


Fw: Dell Latitude XT aceita toques com dedos e caneta especial


O recém-lançado Latitude XT é a primeira aposta da Dell no mercado de
tablet PCs. Com visual que imita aço escovado, tem acabamento que deixa
a desejar: a unidade testada pela Folha veio com uma parte solta.
Divulgação Latitude XT é a aposta da Dell no mercado de tablet PCs;
modelo tem visual que imita aço escovado, mas acabamento deixa a desejar

A tela é mais resistente e nítida do que as dos concorrentes --todavia
tem péssimo ângulo de visão e fracos contraste e cores (calibração de
fábrica). Leia mais (10/02/2008 - 08h42)


sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: The Youngest of Yorkfields: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Processor Review

We continue talking about new desktop processors from Penryn family
manufactured with 45nm process. Today we are going to talk about the
youngest quad-core Yorkfield CPU, which should replace the today's
market hit - Core 2 Quad Q6600.


Fw: AMD Plans to Introduce New AMD Phenom Chips in April - Source

AMD Wants to Speed Up Introduction of AMD Phenom "B3" 9750, 9650, 9550


Fw: Tablet PCs podem substituir notebook e a dupla papel e caneta


Tec, tec, tec. Durante uma reunião ou uma aula, o som do teclado de um
notebook pode causar distrações e irritações, e a tela na vertical cria
uma barreira visual na frente do usuário. A solução óbvia é deixar o
computador de lado e utilizar papel e caneta. Mas quem realmente quiser
ter suas anotações gravadas em meio eletrônico pode utilizar um tablet
PC --um computador com tela sensível a toque. Uma caneta especial
substitui os tradicionais mouse e teclado e permite fazer anotações com
rapidez e flexibilidade --o usuário tem liberdade para fazer seus
rabiscos como bem entender, hierarquizá-los, desenhar esquemas etc.
Reprodução ThinkPad X60 Tablet, da Lenovo; tablet PCs podem substituir
tanto o notebook convencional quanto a dupla papel e caneta

Leia mais (09/02/2008 - 08h27)


quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Leadtek WinFast PX8800 GT 512MB Graphics Card Review

Today we are going to talk about a graphics accelerator based on Nvidia
G92 GPU that should fill in the price gap between GeForce 8800 GT and
GeForce 8800 GTX/Ultra. Will the newcomer cope well with this task and
is it capable of anything more? Let's find out now!


Fw: Cell Hits 45nm, PS3 Price Drop Likely to Follow

Septimus writes "At this weeks ISSCC, IBM announced that the Cell CPU
used in the PlayStation 3 will soon make the transition to IBM's
next-gen 45nm high-k process. 'The 45nm Cell will use about 40 percent
less power than its 65nm predecessor, and its die area will be reduced
by 34 percent. The greatly reduced power budget will cut down on the
amount of active cooling required by the console, which in turn will
make it cheaper to produce and more reliable (this means fewer
warrantied returns). Also affecting Sony's per-unit cost is the
reduction in overall die size. A smaller die means a smaller, cheaper
package; it also means that yields will be better and that each chip
will cost less overall.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fw: Positivo ultrapassa marca de 1 milhão de PCs vendidos


As vendas de computadores da Positivo Informática cresceram 66,4% em
2007 em relação ao ano anterior, chegando a 1,389 milhões. De acordo
com dados divulgados nesta quinta-feira pela empresa, trata-se da
primeira vez que uma fabricante supera a marca de 1 milhão de
computadores vendidos no Brasil em um ano. Os dados reforçam o bom
momento vivido pelo setor no país. Segundo dados da Abinee (Associação
Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica), o mercado brasileiro de
computadores comercializou, em 2007, cerca de 10 milhões de unidades, o
que representa um crescimento de 21,4% em relação a 2006. Assim como
ocorreu com a média das outras marcas, o maior crescimento da Positivo
veio do setor de laptops. As vendas desses computadores cresceram
423,9% no ano passado, representando 17,2% nas vendas totais de PCs. Em
2006, esse índice era de 5,5%. As vendas de desktops da empresa
cresceram 45,7%. Leia mais (07/02/2008 - 21h05)


Fw: AMD Crossfire X Support For Quad-GPUs To Arrive In March

AMD's graphics units will allow enthusiasts to run three and four
graphics cards in their system with the release of the Catalyst 8.3
driver package, which will be released in March.


Fw: Apple's MacBook Air Could Have Issues

Apple address potential issues before most consumers get their hands on
the MacBook Air...


Fw: Samsung 245T: LCD Prime

The Samsung 245T features impressive specifications and a Samsung-made
panel. How does this display perform, and is it a pattern of things to


Parece um bom monitor de 24", painel S-PVA, mas caro, caro...

Linux 2.6.24: Arr Matey! A Hairy Bilge Rat!

Fw: The Truth about MacBook Air Battery Life

Confused about how long the MacBook Air's battery actually lasts? As
you'd expect, it really depends on what you're doing. We created some
tests to help set expectations.


terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition - A New Hope?

AMD fans that want to overclock their processors can rejoice at news
that the CPU maker is offering a Black Edition of its current fastest
quad-core model.


Fw: Asustek Announces X48 Motherboards

Asustek Computer has announced the P5E3 Premium WiFi-AP @n motherboard
equipped with the latest Intel X48 chipset.


Fw: Intel To Launch X48 In Mid March, Sources Claim

Intel has informed motherboard makers that it will definitely launch
its X48 chipset in mid March, two months later than its original launch
date, according to industry sources.


Fw: Inside Apple's MacBook Air

We just got our MacBook Air and wasted no time, we've already taken it
apart and answered a couple of questions before moving on to the review
itself. It looks like battery and hard drive replacement won't be a
problem at all.


Fw: Update: NVIDIA to Acquire AGEIA

The physics battle heats up...


segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: Intel To Discontinue Conroe-based Xeon Processors

Intel informed vendors that it will begin cleaning up its dual-core
Xeon 3000-series portfolio.


Fw: Update: National Geographic Blu-ray Disc Exclusive

National Geographic follows Warner Bros to Blu-ray pastures...


Fw: Intel's 8-core Skulltrail Platform: Close to Perfecting the Niche

Need 8 cores but can't wait until 2009? Intel's Skulltrail platform can
give you 8 Penryn based cores today, but not without some serious


sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2008

Fw: AMD To Lower Power Usage Of 45 Nm Processors

AMD recently notified partners that its 45nm-based processors will be
launched on time by the second half of 2008.
